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What is the system and infrastructure of a dementia care home?

System of dementia care home :

The actual move from click here step one to step two to step three to step four, so you may need to understand the question. So is it about how they can get people out of the system? So that they don’t need our help at the mental health team level anymore, is that the question? If you think that’s what you think, that’s right, okay. If you support care homes to deliver personalized care, is that something that will create an ongoing is it sustainable input? If you have to keep providing that education training, somebody else has rightfully said there’s a lot of training for care home staff. But how can they engage the care home staff to presume to engage with it?

Also to work with their care home professionals to help people with their complex needs. If you think training, you mean they did essential work with her randomized controlled trials in oxford. If you think training isn’t enough, it’s about that coaching, and that’s in the bit of gold and of the pyramid you presented. But that’s where they need the ongoing coaching and the application of that learning in vivo for us to succeed.

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In their opinion, fantastic that they got us today, so that’s good, they can hear from her later and then so click here; they just got they’re going to get a few more comments coming in, so that’s fantastic. If your commissioner from a team in surrey, how can they work more closely to look at the home pathway for adult social care-funded clients? They’re keen to explore ways to open up more options and choices for people with dementia. But finding it difficult to source questions, you think it’s a big question, but it’s lovely to hear there’s a willingness.

The infrastructure of dementia care home :

Suppose they’ve got the infrastructure here in surrey to build on and lots of tweaking of the model over the years. If you want to get in touch, you happy to chat with you and perhaps. If you can click here, link you to a couple of other people who could think this through with you. Because if you are mindful that the original commissioning was for those people with very complex needs, and they do have a gap in being able to extend it to everybody, even with their attempt to shift most resources up to the cm ht level.

You know they’d be keen to collaborate and look at that with you. So get in touch be lovely to hear from you and your final one from the chat box. Who should be part of the integrated care team for the care homes, gosh you bet some people like to answer this and probably do a better job than you. If you mean what’s been fabulous and you work in the friendly system, has just been linking him with people like the quality lead and s who run the care home forums and They delivered some training together in the social system. If you think they need dedicated care home matrons, you think they’re fabulous. You can’t praise them enough, and it’s great to see some of those new roles popping up.